Hailuoto church
Hailuoto church (also known as Hailuoto new church) is a church located in the church village of Hailuoto municipality. It was designed by architects Irma and Matti Aaltonen.
The church building was built to replace the old church, which was destroyed by fire in 1968.
Location type
Uskonnollinen kohde

The church is open during services and various events. At other times, the church is open for groups by appointment, you can contact the church employees by phone, contact information can be found at www.hailuodonseurakunta.fi .
You can also visit the church on request as a service of Hailuoto's local guides. Contact for local guides:hailuodonpaikallisoppaat@gmail.com, +358 40 556 2572.
About the church
The church building was completed in 1972. The material of the church is reinforced concrete elements. Both end walls of the main room are made of glass, from which light falls from the west onto the back galleries of the church hall and into the church hall below, and from the east, respectively, onto the altar. When it was completed, the church was the longest prefabricated church in Scandinavia. There are flat-roofed rectangular wing buildings on both sides of the main room, with the entrance and museum facilities located to the north and the sacristy to the south.
In principle, there is no altar table in the church, but as the Reverend Timo Juntunen mentions: "It is the most beautiful altar table in the church, the altar table given by the Creator because of the ever-changing natural beauty".
The church organ has 11 voices and was manufactured by the Kangasala Urkutehdas in 1972.
The church is located in the middle of the village in Hailuoto. The peak of the belfry, symbolizing the fisherman's bow, reaches almost 25 meters high, and the crest of the local church reaches 17 meters. The new church has also become dear to the people of Hailuoto. There is something deeply human about rough concrete. The large altar window takes your thoughts to nature, to the works of the Creator. Behind the window, hundreds of years old pine trees look calmly at the church people, who diligently gather for church services, concerts and other festive occasions. Groups of tourists can visit the church and the parish's interesting history upon request.
Entrance fee
Open and free, for groups separately with guided tours.
Visiting hours
As agreed
Contact information
Contact information at: https://www.hailuodonseurakunta.fi/yhteystiedot
Luovontie 52, Hailuoto, Finland
Web address
Contact information at: https://www.hailuodonseurakunta.fi/yhteystiedot